視聴者の声もっと観る4:41Supreme Master Television Is Created Not Only to Spread Truth, But to Bring Heaven’s Energy into Every Home5:14この重大な瞬間に 皆さんが団結して 全ての困難を克服し 兆スクリーンの スプリームマスターTVを 再生することで 光の塔を 建設し 各地の光の塔の エネルギーが繋がって 光のネットワークを 形成するよう願います4:45これは天の計り知れない 祝福を地球にもたらす為に 私がこれまでに見つけた 最高のツールです4:21The Way to Maximize the Wonderful Benefits of Supreme Master TV3:47Sharing the Amazing Experience with Using the Power of Supreme Master Television to Transform the Environment5:09Making Full Use of the Blessing Power of Supreme Master Television to Uplift the World and Clear Negative Energy3:52Sharing the Way to Multiply Master's Divine Power and Blessings that Emanate from Supreme Master Television4:07Sharing the Amazing Experience with Using the Blessing of Supreme Master Television to Transform Life, Home, and People Around2:58Positive Transformations Happening Around by Having Supreme Master TV on