I wonder why the government doesn’t search into his (Trần Tâm) private life, and believe some victims who came to them for protection and justice, but it seems like it did not work. I guess these victims came to the wrong door, to some of the authority’s door who did not care much about that, or to those who have been manipulated by Satan Force through Trần Tâm. These don’t always happen in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) or Thailand only, but it happened in other countries as well, wherever he sets foot. And because he went to many countries, causing havoc and causing warlike energies everywhere, that’s why Âu Lạc (Vietnam) – especially Âu Lạc (Vietnam), because he has been there the longest – that’s why Âu Lạc (Vietnam) recently has a lot of disasters. […]
People like Trần Tâm – or he calls himself Rumaji – are enslaved by maya. Anyone can be enslaved by maya if you have such an ego, wanting to be famous, wanting to get things without properly earning it. Just like he went in, stole my teachings, my method, even my clothing style, my playing-with-parrot style, and even does hypocritical charity with stolen or coerced robbery money! […]
The law is in the government’s hands. I can only help in some way, but the physical world has to be dealt with by physical means, by physical power like secular power, governmental power, police power, security powers. […] But it cannot always be avoided completely unless humans do it. Humans have to be awakened and create the better energy, so it’s easier even for the invisible Divine Power to help more efficiently. Because the karma of the world also has tremendous power, and the two, good and bad forces are struggling for victory. And that’s why. […]